Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sanur Village Festival date

for anyone interested the Sanur Village Festival date is set

August 21-25, 2009.

For 5 days there will be parades, music, water sports, balinese performances, great food and other activities.

this is the 4th year for the festival. this year the theme is ';marine';.

Sanur Village Festival date

Cheers Snooky, might just manage to get there before we leave on the 26th. Bad timing last year as we left Sanur for Amed the day before the festival started. I wanted to watch the kites.

Sanur Village Festival date

The kites are well worth looking at. Last year there were flying boats, dragons, a push bike rider and a multitude of whirling, spinning colourful arrangements.

The biggest problem is the locals with there loud speakers. Everyone seems to have one. The guy announcing the kite flying has his speaker on full volume. The guy commentating on the wind surfing has his on full volume. The guy talking about the body painting also likes to join in. Then there are the guys organising the pillow fights and the the guy organising the turtle release plus the guy yelling into his microphone for the greased pig race.

Over the top of this is the Coca Cola van with its bank of loud speakers bursting out music.

All of this is on the beach within about 10 metres of each other.

Sounds like mayhem...but alot of fun! Am really looking forward to it.

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