Thursday, March 29, 2012

What do you do on your flight to Bali?

Faced with the prospect of another long haul flight to Bali soon, and I%26#39;m struggling to find things to do on the flight to keep me occupied. I usually take my MP3, Sony PSP (loaded with games and movies), a book, and watch a bit of inflight entertainment, but apart from the MP3 I think that this contributes to the bright red Dracula eyes when you arrive.

So my question is, how do you occupy your time on the long flight to Bali (I%26#39;m aware some of your will have shorter flights than me)?

Worst case scenario I guess I could talk to Mrs Noodles...

What do you do on your flight to Bali?

have an iced cold champagne, eat your meal, watch some of the movie, then lay your seat back and have a snooze. :)

Wake up, have an iced cold champagne, splash your face with cold water, have a snack, watch some of a movie.

Countdown. :) :0

What do you do on your flight to Bali?

I would love to say ';sleep for a few hours'; but I haven%26#39;t yet worked out how to do that.

Haven%26#39;t flown to Bali, but have done lots of other long hauls. Watch a couple of films. Check the map for progress. Flick through the in-flight magazine. Check the map for progress. Close my eyes, give up trying to sleep. Check the map for progress. Eat something. Have a drink. check the map for progress.

Ask the cabin crew for colouring in books and crayons and occupy yourself that way? Maybe just sleep and hope that you are just about to land when you wake up? No, don%26#39;t talk to Mrs Noodles as you would keep me (in row in front or behind) wide awake and whatever you do - don%26#39;t laugh (especially with your neighbours)!

I take my own colouring books sometimes, or Join the Dot is especially fun, trying to figure out what it is (usually an elephant in my experience). Does laughter bother you then ilab?

I like the champagne idea, but sadly I travel cattle-class so the best I can hope for is a glass of German wine which I can blow bubbles in with a straw.

I would love to be able to sleep on a flight too, but it%26#39;s not normal to sleep sitting up is it? And I%26#39;ve yet to find a travel pillow comfortable enough. I can sympathise with looking at the inflight map every few minutes and sighing because you%26#39;re still over the Bay of Bengal. Other than plying yourself with booze, how do you sleep? Never mastered it but would love any help here.

Ah no, I love laughter Noodles, it is just that on a night flight I just seem to find myself sitting in the row in front of or behind a whole row of people who do not want to sleep but just talk and laugh and deprive me of any sleep I may try to get!

Join the dot sounds like a good alternative to colouring in and maybe sudoku, although I find the time passes quicker with sudoku.

I sleep with a little bit of help and an eye mask - the only way to go.

It%26#39;s the screaming children at the front of the cabin that keep me awake rather than the people talking. Or the toddler sat behind me kicking the back of my seat for 12 solid hours.

Oh, I have my eye mask, ear plugs, various travel pillows and blanket. Recline the seat. Nothing happens, sleep is always just out of reach.

The toddler behind the seat is a hard one to sleep with but also the person behind who gets up, hangs onto your seat and pulls your hair in the process! Aiee! Guaranteed to keep you awake!

Oh, that%26#39;d be me then. What can I say, if you have big hair, you%26#39;re taking your own life into your hands.

I do have big hair but can%26#39;t do much about it sadly and can%26#39;t do much with it. It really hurts when you pull it Noodles!

Surely some sort of hat would resolve this situation, or a swimming cap?

Anyway, we%26#39;re going off on a tangent here, back on topic, any more ideas for how to occupy yourself (or sleep) on a flight (other than pulling ilab%26#39;s hair)?

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