Thursday, March 29, 2012

Help currency is confusing.

I am rubbish at maths and just wanted to ask how do people get there heads around the currency with so many 0%26#39;s. Are there any tips for easy remembering for example.. one Uk pound will equal?...5 uk pounds will equal?...and 10 uk pounds will equal? etc. I am not getting the currency at all. Is it quite easy to get the hang of it once you are there? Many thanks.xx

Help currency is confusing.


Print out a traveller pocket cheat sheet %26amp; take it with you. I laminate one %26amp; take it everywhere with me....brilliant.


Help currency is confusing.

hey donnygirl its easy first off all take a small pocket size calculator with you when shoping and lets say the exchange rate is 7.600 rups to the aussie dollor and you buy somthing for 300.000 rps divide the 300.000 by 7.600 cost is 39 ausie dollors to buy the goods works the same in your countrys currancy find out how many rps to the pound and iff its lets say 25.000 rps then divide your purchase by 25 eg goods cost 300.000 rps thats 6 p0und your mony hope this helps kobrob

you are right there are lots of 000%26#39;s to get your head around, just make sure that when you hand your notes over to pay that you are not giving a 100,000rp note instead of a 10,000rp note. stick with reputable money changers that look more like %26#39;banks%26#39; and the kodak shops and stay away from the numerous money changers who are %26#39;tucked%26#39; inside shops and down alleys. some of these are not very honest and will try and give you lots of smaller notes which don%26#39;t add up to what you are meant to receive and they can have dodgy calculators.

Take a calculator, count your money from the changers it when you get because some do try to short change you. It its say 7600 for a dollar so 22,800 is 3 dollars , eg satay sticks are say 30,400 thats 4 dollars for satay sticks, its easy don%26#39;t shop on the beach don%26#39;t get massage on the beach unless you find your feet. The shops are the same price a lot easier, work out what you want to pay on the calculator and then barter away... if they say its so much work it out on the calculator, divide it by the rate and if your not happy give them half the price you want to really pay and then work your way up to the price you a willing to pay there is no way out of the bartering so good luck hope this helps

I just said the same thing funny

Really depends on the exchange rate, but I normally remember that 15000RP is 拢1.00. So I know that 7500Rp is 50p, 30000Rp is 拢2.00, 45000Rp is 拢3.00, 60000Rp is 拢4.00 etc.

Ursie%26#39;s suggestion is a good one. If you start converting to Aussie Dollars then to British Pounds you%26#39;ll get completely lost!

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