Sunday, March 25, 2012

Driver Etiquette

Hi All

While trying to finalise my plans for a driver I came across a couple of questions that I was unsure of the answers:

If you have a driver for the day, do they come into the places with you, eg:Waterbom park?

Will they take family photo%26#39;s for you?

Is there anything that I may or may not do, that I wouldn%26#39;t think of, that may offend or upset the driver?

As usual, I would be grateful of your thoughts

Driver Etiquette

It really depends on the driver and where you are. I doubt that they would go into Waterbom with you, but may accompany you into say, Tanah Lot or Monkey Forest if you want them to.

Most of the time they will stay with the car (sleeping) or nearby chatting to locals and other drivers.

They would certainly take family photos for you.

The Balinese in general will bend over backwards to make you welcome and accomodate your needs without feeling that they are imposing on you.

Just relax and enjoy having your own Bali Tour guide. Ask questions. In my experience, there is no subject that is taboo as long as you are polite. Of course you will relax more, as will your driver the longer he has known you. Pride and dignity are very important to Balinese, like ';face'; to the Chinese. You can be firm but always be polite.

If you feel you want to, and the circumstances are right, invite them to eat with you. Don%26#39;t go especially out of your way to do this (if you are away from the driver and feel like eating, then do) but if you are together at meal time and you want to, invite them to join you. Don%26#39;t be offended if he says no. He may just feel like he would be intruding on your holiday.

We will try (sometimes without success) to repay the driver for any police bribes, tolls etc he may have to pay while driving us around, but usually your daily rate will include fuel, parking etc. If he does come with you into an attraction like a temple or monkey forest etc,his entrance fee should be free, but you will have to pay your own way in.

I remember how nervous we were the first time we had a driver, we were worried that he was bored or we were taking too long. That is not the case at all. They take their responsibility (of making your trip great) very seriously.

Just relax and enjoy getting to know a great Island and people.

Driver Etiquette

Thanks Whinnie, I really appreciate your advise.

Last time that I was there, the driver was included in our accomodation and as there were 6 of us (most, louder then me)he had no choice but to muck in I guess.

I am taking my 2 teens and just want to make sure that they understand the local etiquette.

I adore the Balinese people and would hate to offend any of them in any way.

Ohh, one more question - do the locals get upset if you take photo%26#39;s of them? I would hate for anyone to feel like an attraction at the zoo, or are they just used to the tourists being intrigued by their lifestyles?

In my experience, no, they are used to it. But if we are in a non-tourist village (we visit friends in home village) I usually ask if I am taking a photo of an individual person or group of people I dont%26#39; know. And it may just be me, but I tend to ask if the person is elderly or a child, I just think it%26#39;s polite. I%26#39;ve never had anyone say no.

And if you get a chance, send them a copy, if you are going to see them again or they have an email address, especially if they aren%26#39;t from a tourist area. Photos for a rural villager are few and far between.

Hi AussieNewby

Everything Whinnie say is true - regarding taking photos of the Balinese - I always ask, it doesn%26#39;t matter where I am - they never refuse and really like it - do show them the photo on your camera just after you have taken it as they love to see it - especially the children.

It is polite, anywhere, in any country, to ask before you take someone%26#39;s photo, not just in Bali!

Thanks for the info. I really do appreciate the responses

This trip will be very different as its ';family'; instead of a group of girls like the last one.

Do you have any idea what the ';fair and reasonable'; rate per day would be?

Will they take you to the outskirts or the places that aren%26#39;t the ';norm'; for tourists? I would love for my girls to see the REAL culture


The rates vary between 350,000 to 500,000IDR depending on the driver. There are some drivers who will take you to places where you will see the real Bali %26amp; places off the beaten track. There are also some drivers who will take you to visit shops etc where they will receive commission for any purchases you make.There is a list of drivers here on the forum %26amp; you could also search past posts by typing ';driver'; in the search box above your post.


Dear Putu

I am getting a little tried of you advertising for these drivers - if you are live in Bali why do you put your location as Sydney????

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