Thursday, March 29, 2012

Snorkelling at Tulamben and Amed

We are staying at Legian and Tulamben and Amed have been recommended as good snorkelling spots. Do boats go there or will you need to go by car and how long would it take by both modes. Also, is the snorkelling done off the beach or do you need to taken to the snorkelling spot in a boat.

I assume you can hire the equipment there?

Snorkelling at Tulamben and Amed

I stayed at Amed last October and the snorkelling is fantastic! It%26#39;s straight off the beach which is great and really easy or you can hire a boat to take you out to the wreck of a sunken US warship, the US Liberty where you can snorkel and dive. From Legian you will need to hire a car and it takes about three and a half hours to get to Amed. I stayed at a hotel at Amed so I hired all my equipment there. If you are just going for the day you will probably need to take your own, or maybe you could hire some from a hotel, not sure about that.

Snorkelling at Tulamben and Amed

allow 3 hours drive to get there. there is good snorkeling but the currents/swell action can make it murky with jellyfish at certain times.

it might be worth your while to organise the whole trip from legian with everything you want so you don%26#39;t waste time there organising boat or driving to different locations equipment/etc.

as was said snorkeling is close to shore so a boat isn%26#39;t necessary so you will need a driver who knows where to go or else know yourself where you want to snorkel.

the trip up is great with good side trips worth doing. come via tirtagangga for water palace and return via the coast road between amed and ujung, it is spectacular.


It%26#39;s approx a 2 1/2 hrs drive to Amed depending on traffic. There are several places where you can snorkle directly off the beach. Alternatively you could ask a local fisherman to take you out in his boat.

Geria Giri Shanti bungalows hire out snorkelling gear for a small charge or alternatively they offer a snorkelling course after which you get a C card.

Cost to hire for a day is 25,000IDR %26amp; in high season 30,000IDR. The snorkelling course costs 25GBP.

Also you can go to nearby Tulamben approx 20 mins drive from Amed village.

You could hire a driver for the day or maybe stay overnight. The bungalows above are very reasonable approx 10GBP a night.

If you%26#39;re interested I can recommend a driver based in Amed who could pick you up in Legian, take you to the best snorkelling spots %26amp; drive you back either that day or the next if you decided to stay.


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