Thursday, March 29, 2012

NYTimes discovers Mozaic

In a pretty good sized article the NYTimes Travel Section discusses Mozaic, the chef%26#39;s approach, background and the food served. Its interesting.


NYTimes discovers Mozaic

The link doesn%26#39;t seem to work.

Cheers... Princi62

NYTimes discovers Mozaic

Hi Princi

It worked for me - try again. As tengohambre2 writes, it is a very interesting article. I have friends who went there 2 nights ago and said it was very, very, very good - they loved it all. They took a bottle of French champagne and were charged 125,000 corkage which was a pretty cheap option if you want to drink well and spoil yourself.

We went there again about 6 or so weeks ago.. as a special treat for my 14yo daughter (it is her favorite restaurant! - go figure!)

We always take our own wine 120++ rps is still good for corkage but it used to be 70k last year!

Was a bit shocked by the recent price rise though.. as we were just there a few months before in Dec and the jump in price is quite high! they have changed the way the menu works too - they now have 2 separate menus at different prices (plus the chef surprise one..) and now you have to choose one or the other.. we asked if we could swap a few choices and they seemed okay with that.. They just made the price in the middle of the two ranges..

It is still a fantastic restaurant but it is getting really a bit expensive for a family dinner in Bali IMO

Hey Brigid - I never really thought of it as a family restaurant I must say - lol. It should really be somewhere special and for a special occasion, don%26#39;t you think? It is easy to spend that kind of money in a restaurant in Australia but not necessarily with the same quality of food.

As much as I love the NYT, it%26#39;s typical of them to travel to a country where local workers earn less than $100 a month and recommend that travelers spend that on a single meal. They also like the $300 a night resorts in Cambodia.

I was at Mozaic in January and reviewed it here on TA. Although we enjoyed dinner, I didn%26#39;t go to Bali to pretend I was in Napa. And aside from the prices, I was disappointed at the lack of local ingredients.

I first heard of Mozaic because of Anthony Bourdain%26#39;s Cook%26#39;s Tour (or Without Reservations) TV show. But he at least combines dinner at his friend%26#39;s restaurant (Mozaic) with lunch at Ibu Oka ($2.50 for a fantastic only in Bali meal).

I think it is great that Bali can offer fantastic cuisine at many different levels and in many different styles.. diversity enjoy it all or what appeals! Yes it does seem out of kilter to spend as much as one person earns in a week or three for a meal.. but then people do that all the time here on hotels, villas, elephant parks or airline tickets too.. Meals like this are relatively expensive the world over they are meant to be an experience rather than simply a dinner and I personally think that it is great that Bali can successfully offer this type of dining along with all the other diverse styles and cuisines here..

To be fair to Moziac - most of the ingredients are actually grown or bred locally here and have actually empowered many farmers by earning extremely good money from limited farming space - to grow organically and it has allowed them to extend their products to the local gourmet markets here - (fantastic for a foodie who lives here)

It makes me really happy buying from these farmers at the weekly markets and see them doing so well...

Also the staff at Moziac get trained to a truly international level.. giving them career options way beyond what may be open to them other wise..

Just more food for thought..

';more food for thought..'; - puntastic!

As a matter of interest, how much is the grub at Mozaic at the moment?

Hi Noodles,

There are 2 prices at Mozaic at the moment: 2 menus at 550,000 and one at 750,000 - really not expensive by world wide standards and quite frankly, it is pretty easy to pay that at Kudeta and La Lucciola at the moment.

The chef at Mozaic is French so I hardly felt like I was in a wine growing region of the US, or of Europe for that matter, and my bill was about at third of what I would pay for a comparable experience in Canadian or European restaurant. I don%26#39;t know why the cost of a meal at Mozaic is really such an issue with so many people who have reviewed the restaurant. It%26#39;s comparatively inexpensive as is everything in Bali. What does it matter if you can eat for $2.50 at a local warung? It%26#39;s a totally different experience. Do backpackers on a shoe string budget make more of a contribution to the local economy than those who stay at five start resorts (I%26#39;m certainly not one of them) and dine at Bali%26#39;s poshest restaurants?

Well said Adventurix - have to say that I agree wholeheartedly with what you have written!

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