Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Recent La Luciola experiences?

I want to organise a Sunday breakfast there for a family group but have recently had bad feedback from regulars that the quality has changed in the past few weeks. Any experiences or comments?



Recent La Luciola experiences?

Hi Pak

I have not had breakfast at La Lucciola for a year but am going back in a couple of weeks. Have had dinner there a few times in the past month or so though and the quality of the food was exactly the same as before. the one thing that has changed is the price of drinks but that is Bali - wide. Cocktails are now 95,000 rupiah as is a glass of wine but I guess you don%26#39;t have to worry aboutt hat at breakfast , do you? When do you want to have breakfast there? Before Nyepi (26 March) or after? I will be going just before if that is any help.

Recent La Luciola experiences?

Hi ilab, I am looking at mid May. I will be in Ubud from March 27 for a week but won%26#39;t get to Seminyak to check it out myself. My concern is coming from a post on another forum where a La Luciola regular commented that 2 weeks ago they were disappointed that the Sunday menu had changed and that the food was a let down, greasy and salty. Just looking for another opinion. I have friends who had Sunday breakfast there mid Jan and said it was as good as ever.

Your feedback after you have been will be good!



I was planning a Sunday breakfast there again in 4 weeks, but may now go to Breeze instead as I read the same comments??

I will still be going to La Lucciola so will let you know once I have been. When you read peoples%26#39; reports re restaurants and hotels I think it must be remembered that it is their opinion only - most of us are not professional reviewers. What I might love, someone else may hate, it may also have a lot to do with your mood at the time, who you are with etc etc. I have never had a problem with the food at La Lucciola but a lot of people complain, but then, a lot of people love complaining, don%26#39;t they?

I personally don%26#39;t like Breeze although I am willing to try it again even though i have been there about 3 times.

ilab, I look forward to your comments, thanks in advance. My ears only went up when I read a negative because the poster has been a regular there and has always loved it until 2 weeks ago.

Cheers, David

me too, hope you can review it before easter:)

Did you have breakfast at Breeze?

No, I have only had dinner and that was quite a while ago. I am going to La Lucciola for breakfast on 24 March - will let you know.

Breeze is excellent for breakfast

where is breeze

At the Samaya hotel on the beach next to La Lucciola

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