Friday, April 13, 2012

rigged calculators.

Just back from Bali beware of the money changers, they change the keys on their calculators to give a false reading. ALWAYS use your own calculator when changing money and never accept your currency in small notes, ask for the biggest notes they have and ALWAYS count it again in front of them before you leave.

They tried this trick 3 times with me their rigged calculators always showed less exchange than mine.

rigged calculators.

I have heard about this but never seen it.

Few money changing tips...

1. If the rate seems too good to be true it probably is. Have an idea of about what the right rate is and go to establishments that offer close to that rate.

2. Trust your instincts. If it looks dodgy or you get the feeling something isn%26#39;t right take your money and leave.

3. Try to change nice easy round figures. I always changed $100 at a time. It is very easy to work out exactly how much you should be getting.

4. I agree completely with flex - don%26#39;t let them pay you in various small denominations. Always go for 100k and 50k notes as far as possible. With the difference in currency it is easy to get confused.

5. Again, agree with flex, don%26#39;t be afraid to check the money they give you. Do it carefully and do it before you leave the counter.

If you follow these rules you should be ok.

rigged calculators.

Yes, very good idea to do your own calculations. I had to ask one of the money exchangers to recalculate as his total was way off compared to the total I had worked out in advance. Sure enough, the second time he did the math, it was spot on.

we had the same happen to us so take your own calculator with you when chainging money and have it pre worked out befor you go in to the money sharks kobrob

Hi Guys,

Another trick is they count, you count and they take it and count it again but the drawer of the desk is open and they hit the money on the edge of the desk and some falls into the drawer and then they hand it to you and you walk away happy because it you have counted it and hey have counted it and then you start to wonder where all your money went too after spending a bit at a store ect.That actually happened twice or should I say they tried it on twice at 2 different exchangers. But my hisband happened to be standing at the side and saw the money fall into the drawer.

Hope this helps just be vigilant and use repetable exchanges. Theres one on Legian or used to be that is really big one I cant remember its name sorry.


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