Monday, April 16, 2012

peanut allergy - balinese oil

We are tavelling to Bali in June for 2 weeks holiday and my 6 yr old son has a severe peanut allergy. I have already checked with our hotel in Ubud (the Saren Indah Hotel sounds fantastic) and they advise that they do not use peanut oil to cook with. They use coconut oil and some %26#39;balinese oil%26#39;

Does anyone know what %26#39;balinese oil%26#39; is and what it is made out of?

peanut allergy - balinese oil

Hi there,

I understand your concern our nephew is allergic to peanuts. I have done some research and fellow helpful TA%26#39;s have some useful information.

Apparently, peanut oil is too expensive so the Balinese do not use it in their daily cooking. I%26#39;m not sure what Balinese oil is? Palm oil?

Anyway, you could print these sentences out

(courteousy of Catalyst) they translate to can%26#39;t have nuts, have an allergy and might die.

Apakah makanan ini berisi kacang-kacangan yang mana pun.

Karena saya alergi terhadap kacang-kacangan, dan saya mungkin meninggal

That should get the message across loud and clear.

Stick to simple foods such as pizza, pasta etc and all should be ok.

I would contact the BIMC (hospital) and give them details in case of an emergency and don%26#39;t forget your epi-pens! I have also been told its a good idea to get the epinephrine and syringes to use as back up because otherwise you only have 2 epipens? Your doctor would prescribe it and write a letter stating its intended use. Better to be safe than sorry!

Anyway, I%26#39;ve spoken to lots of people who have allergies or children with allergies and none of those people have had an anaphylaxis reaction in Bali so fingers crossed you will have a very safe and happy holiday!!

peanut allergy - balinese oil

Thanks Andreaperth for the tips. We already have our collection of epipens ready ( we are calling back the ones we have at schol and grandparents - 4 in total). Also have a copule of extra%26#39;s that have just passed their use by date so that should see us through. we have never had to use one yet but the use of the name balinese oil has us very much on edge.

We have already had a translation done as follows:

Please ask the chef if he cooks in peanut oil. My son cannot eat nuts because he is allergic to them. If he eats food cooked in peanut oil or that has nuts in it, he will die.

Silahkan meminta juru masak jika dia memasak di minyak kacang tanah. Anak lelaki saya tidak bisa makan kacang-kacangan karena dia alergi terhadap mereka. Jika dia makan makanan memasak di minyak kacang tanah atau itu makan kacang-kacangan dinya, dia akan meninggal.

I have had the translation printed out and laminated so we can hand it over at restaurants etc

Fortunately our son only has an allergy to ground nuts, not tree nuts, so that makes it a bit safer

Thanks again

hi gotiges this is the addres off the bimc hospital iff you need it jl by pass ngurah rai 100x kuta 80361 bali....... email web .............ph761263.. they are fantastic and have australian staff we had to use them 2 weeks a go as my wife got sick the service and care was beter than home cheers kobrob.............

Yes I agree with KobRob, we had to take our daughter there last year and the hospital staff and the hospital itself was top notch.

Glad you have an abundance of epipens, that would make you feel a lot better.

Maybe send a personal message to BrigidE. She lives in Bali so may know what the oil is.

Looks like you%26#39;ve done your homework, well done. My daughter is also allergic to peanuts, but in saying that, she has never had a reaction in Bali. You have your epi-pens, so I%26#39;m sure you will be fine, I took adrenaline and syringes..only because epipens are expensive, and you can only use them once. It may also be wise to have your son rechecked when he is about 8yrs old (peanut allergy challenge test) conducted in a hospital...I thought once you have a peanut allery, and you have a reaction, it will always lead to anaphylatic shock. My pediatrician told be this was not the case, some kids may still have a reaction, but the severity may change to it not being a life threatening situation. But for some, the reaction will always remain the same and help (epipen or adrenaline will have to be administered as soon as possible) to reverse the effect of the reaction so that it doesn%26#39;t become life threatening.

hate be a bringer of bad news but satay is based on peanuts. a number of meals in bali have satay as a sauce. eg gado gado. while you can say no peanuts in meals it doesn%26#39;t include what was cooked in the pan previously.

Hi Bistrobabe,

Isn%26#39;t it such a pain in the er.. neck with the peanut allergy. Our son is under the control of the allergy clinic at the Royal Childrens Hospital. We have discussed a food challenge with them but they are reluctant to do it as he also has asthma (although that is under control and seems to be getting better as he gets older) Maybe when we go to our appointment there this year they might be willing to try the food challenge this time.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply

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