Thursday, April 19, 2012

Calling SwanRiver - Bali vs Koh Samui

Hi SwanRiver,

You expressed an interest a couple of months ago about reading my JBR from my visit to Koh Samui to compare it with Bali. It%26#39;s at the link below on the Samui forums:…

So print it off, make yourself a cup of cocoa and settle down for the night to a tale of gremlins, vampires and micro bikinis.

Anyone else interested in the comparison if you%26#39;re familiar with Bali are welcome to take a look.


Calling SwanRiver - Bali vs Koh Samui

Hi Noodles. You are killing me with your descriptions of everything.!!!! Are you an English teacher??? I take photos of my main meals in Bali and I AM NOT JAPANESE!!!! Reason being, I can%26#39;t believe how fabulous they are for the price, try getting that in Perth for the cost of Bali. I don%26#39;t weigh 300lbs nor do I wear what you described but I love people watching too and think OH MY GOD did they look in the mirror before going out the door!!!! I will have to finish reading tomorrow cos I am struggling to keep my eyes open. I look forward to completing the read tomorrow.



Calling SwanRiver - Bali vs Koh Samui

Thanks WCE, it%26#39;s Ursie57 who%26#39;s the teacher here, I am merely her pupil and am waiting for her to correct my spelling and punctuation. If I%26#39;m lucky I may even get an elepant stamp.

Wow, never noticed a non-Japanese take photos of their food, what do you do with the pics, do you have a special food pic album? Although I admit to taking photos of bottles of beer, usually with me behind them with a drunken leer on my face.

People watching on holiday is a great pastime, especially sitting in a bar and playing the ';Spot the famous face'; game - in Thailand I spotted a guy who looked like George Bush Senior, and Mrs Noodles countered with a woman who looked like Joan Rivers. I won the game by spotting a little old man who must have been 90 years old, with an oxygen tank on his knees, being pushed in a wheelchair by an incredibly young and beautiful Thai woman - of course he looked like Davros, creator of the evil Daleks (from Doctor Who, a UK TV show).

Aah Noodles you have a wonderful command of the English language - and very discriptive too. What a lovely JBR of Koh Samui and Bangkok - brings back memories. But i still think Bali has the edge don%26#39;t you.

I too have been known to take pics of my food - don%26#39;t know why - just seemed like a good idea at the time. People watching - what a wonderful sport, it is so much fun trying to work out what gives, and making up your own scenarios LOL.


Although Samui is lovely, nice and relaxing, and the sea/beach has the edge over Bali, I did miss the religious/spiritual and cultural side which did seem to be lacking. I%26#39;ll be returning to Bali probably twice this year, but probably won%26#39;t return to Samui for a while. I feel like I%26#39;ve more or less seen what there is to see there, but in Bali I%26#39;m always discovering something new.

Well Noodles you%26#39;ve surpassed yourself....another best seller ready for the shelves of Borders. Better make sure I%26#39;m lurking in the travel section when they launch it just to make sure I get my signed copy. You will be appearing personally I presume...can%26#39;t disappoint your avid female supporters now can you Noodles LOL! Please comb your hair beforehand.....don%26#39;t want to frighten off the punters with your gremlin look! Hopefully the joint of pork look alike won%26#39;t be in the queue sporting her micro bikini top %26amp; her thong.

OMG Noodles, must admit I took a couple of food photos on my August jaunt! The best food pics I ever took were of the window display in a patisserie in La Rochelle....daren%26#39;t look at them too often or I begin to salivate %26amp; have to rush off to the local bakery pronto...ha ha!

People watching is such good fun too. At live music in Amed last summer I watched a trio of local lads in action, dressed from head to foot in black they were quite scarey %26amp; I actually wondered if there was a local mafia in the vicinity. However they obviously though they were god%26#39;s gift to every female tourist %26amp; it was really amusing to watch them pounce on unsuspecting females who had knocked back a few too many araks. No Noodles before you ask I wasn%26#39;t one of the inebriated arak attacked females LOL!I have a reputation to maintain!

Well Noodles I read your JBR last night, eventually prised myself away from my laptop after giving my stomach muscles a fair bit of exercise...laughter is such good exercise. However I should have been immersed in paperwork so didn%26#39;t complete it %26amp; it%26#39;s all your fault! Will peruse it again tonight %26amp; make the necessary corrections. If you%26#39;re very lucky you just might get an elephant stamp this time....but don%26#39;t hold out much hope...ha ha! Only joking it was very well written, you have a wicked sense of humour %26amp; it%26#39;s great to have you back.

Thanks for the excellent entertainment!


I too have to raise my hand to taking photos of food.......usually in the USA though, because no one will believe me when I%26#39;m describing the size of the meal and how very bad for my health it is. But have been known to in Bali as well.

Noodles it%26#39;s great to have you back and your JBR%26#39;s never disappoint.

I promised you i would read your JBR when i returned home from work last night to set me off to sleep not realising how long it was going to take to get through the 4 part series. The sun was rising before i got to the end of it! thanks to you i feel very tired this afternoon BUT i enjoyed reading about your adventure! your added comment regarding the banana sling churned the old stomach and conjured up some rather unpleasant images.I would like to print out your JBR to take with me when i go there but i can%26#39;t justify the cost of paying excess luggage for all that paper. I confess to taking photos of food. People don%26#39;t believe me when i tell them how cheap restaurants in bali are (and some other places ) so i have the photos to show them exactly what you get for your money.

Is there anything you forgot to tell us in your JBR, part 2 maybe?

Yes Snooky Noodles has alot to answer for, doesn%26#39;t he?

I actually went the other way with photos as well. I took photos of menus and wine lists here in Australia and took them to Bali with us to show our Balinese friends exactly why we all say how cheap Bali is. They were speechless when they worked out how many rupiah a $36 steak was. And as for the drinks list.....well Arak is just so cheap isn%26#39;t it?

I never realised photos of food were such a popular subject, I think the only one I have is me cooking some prawns on a hot rock in a restaurant in Vietnam.

Apologies for the long length ladies, I%26#39;ve made Snooky tired and have made Ursie miss her paperwork, her pupils must be devastated when they get those hastily marked papers all with ';A+'; on. Or is it ';A*'; these days? Sadly there%26#39;ll be no part two, but I%26#39;ll give you advanced warning of my Bali JBR in July. I%26#39;m taking requests now for the writing style as I tried to make this one a little Stephen King-ish.

Incidentally, for my Sunday dinner it was a choice between pork or chicken. I opted for the latter....

Hi Noodles, I have just read your report and thought it was just wonderful, not that I%26#39;m thinking of going to Thailand in the near future.

Just about to take our 2nd trip to Bali, 5 sleeps to go and can%26#39;t wait.

Thanks for the report it was very good reading.


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