Monday, April 16, 2012

Kawah Putih vs Tangkuban Perahu

Possible or not to complete journey to Kawah Putih and Tangkuban Perahu within one day?if not, which one is worth it?

Kawah Putih vs Tangkuban Perahu

i dont think it is possible. if i have to choose between those two, it will definitely be kawah putih.

Kawah Putih vs Tangkuban Perahu

really?what can we do at kawah putih?if we go to Tangkuban Perahu,we can touch the mud and jungle tracking.any interesting rumah makan near Kawah Putih?

i personally prefer kawah putih coz i dont have to jungle trekking to touch the mud...hehe plus the view is just breathtaking. and... most importantly nobody harassing me to buy things from them.

ya ya.i agree with u.b d way,can u suggest any rumah makan for my lunch there?how many hours from bandung to kawah putih?

is it Kawah Putih in South Bandung?

I%26#39;m going to Bandung next week and rent a car to go south Bandung. Will go to tea plantation, strawberry farm and %26#39;kawah cinta%26#39;. Is it the same place?

i think it%26#39;s more worh it (few places to cover) rather that go to tangkuban perahu.

Hi rara

It you ever go to Tangkuban Perahu';DO NOT USE THE GUIDE THERE OR'; you will be ripped off.

Many tourist from Malaysia were ripped off by the guide stationed at Tankuban Perahu



i think i will like kawah putih.somemore, all my friends who ever go to bandung will go to tangkuban i want to try something different.but i want to know the journey will take how many hour?morning or evening sight is the best?

Hi - where will you rent a car - and how much is it? DId you go already? Im planning to go March 14...

Thank you!

How long does it take to go to Kawah Putih from BAndung train station?

The trip to Kawah Putih takes at least two hours. The exit roads south of Bandung are narrow and pass through an industrial area. If you have the bad luck that workers%26#39; shift has just ended, and buses block the road, you may need up to three hours to get to Kawah Putih.

That said, I agree with the other posters that the sights of Kawah Putih are more impressive. We once walked all around it, but be aware that you do this at your own risk!

A not so dangerous walk of a good half hour one way is to a dead crater. When facing Kawah Putih from the parking take the path on your right. It leads up to the dead crater (a deep grassgrown hole that you can go down into) and onwards to the top of Mount Patuha.

There are no restaurants near Kawah Putih, only a very simple warung (food-stall).

Best leave early, as later in the day more chances of rain or mist.

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