Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Thank you everyone for helping in my last forums. Your advice has been a great help.

I just wanted to know if it is recommended to get full immunisation shots. Two adults and two children (15) and 12)

We will be staying in Sanur in June for 11 days and we were hoping to go to the monkey forest.

My doctor recommended a few types of vaccinations, but by the time I add up how much its going to cost, its almost as much as our accommodation.

I was just wondering what anyone else recommends.


I would make sure you are up to date with tetanus and oral sabin. As well you should be protected from typhoid and Hep A %26amp; B. You don%26#39;t need malaria or rabies. The good news is that you will be protected for up to 20 years (except tetanus) if you have them. Your kids may have had one of the Hepatitis shots through their school. Mine had.

If you weren%26#39;t going near monkeys and only going to stay in built up areas like Sanur, Kuts etc, you could, maybe, go without the shots, but it%26#39;s a risk. Even to use public toilets in shopping centres and Ubud, would be a risk.

Personally, I wouldn%26#39;t risk it.


Go with the Doc%26#39;s advice; as Whinnie mentions, most immunisations last for 10 years easily anyway, so you%26#39;re making an investment into your future travel health.

Better safe than sorry, especially for your kids.

get the immunisations that have been recommended. it is a small price to pay compared to the suffering IF you were unlucky enough to get sick. i had my 5 kids fully immunised before i ever took them on their first trip to bali. since then we have travelled to other countries all requiring the same immunisations. once you have paid you have years of protection. any risk is too big a risk. shop around at a few different chemists and see if you can get them any cheaper. also if you are in a private health fund check if there is any rebate.

You shouldnt travel to Asia unless you have vaccination for Hepatitis A and B. Hep A is approx $70 for vaccine, Im not sure about Hep B as had done as a child. I dont get typhoid or malaria, but Hep A and B you should have at the least

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