Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Driver for a week in Ubud in August needed

Any recommendations for a driver to be available for a week on the basis that he may only be required for 5 days of the week to drive and pick up as required? Good car with seat belts required.



Driver for a week in Ubud in August needed

What you require isn%26#39;t very fair on the driver. If you require them to book out an entire week for you, you should pay them for the whole week not just the days you decide you need them. This is their livlihood.

If you can%26#39;t decide how many days you will need them for, you are probably better to walk along the street and you will be offered transport by touts all the time. Pick one of them, look at their car and work out a price for the day.

Otherwise book one of the drivers on the TA list in the ';Before you go'; section for the 5 days (or however many you know you need them for) and then if you do need a driver on any other day, hire a tout off the street for that day.

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