Monday, April 16, 2012


Hi again,

We were wondering if we should stock up on any alcohol at duty free before getting to Bali. Are there any drinks that are hard to come by or at a premium? I heard wine wasn’t widely available? Actually, what is the local beverage of choice? Do they have their own version of rum?


Hi there Vancouver, i think you might want to try another heading ie. Alcohol in Bali as I don%26#39;t think you will get many responses to your Post.

Cheers... Princi62


Wine is available but very expensive and as a regular wine drinker I change to spirits or beer when in bali. I buy a bottle duty free and that usually last me for pre dinner drinks etc until we leave. Spirits are available but I am told that new duty on them has made them very expensive. From what I have read a bottle is about double the price of here in melbourne. I am not a beer drinker at home but in bali with the heat I do drink a lot of the local beer bintang. It is very cheap and available everywhere even in the supermarkets and circle k.

There are a few local Indonesian brands, but I%26#39;d be a bit careful with them. The local whiskey is called Mansion House but we have been warned by local friends to drink it sparingly as it gives alot of people a very bad headache.

There is also Arak, but this is an acquired taste and again packs a big punch as far as headaches go. If you have ever drunk Grappa from Italy, then imagine that only rougher. The local red rice wine is called Brem but the same warning applies.

Although having said that a few cocktails made on arak and brem can be very nice.

I only drink beer when we travel and Bintang is my favourite beer in the whole world, so far. Closely followed by Tsing Tao from China. LOL.

hi clucky we have lust returned from bali. and yes the price off alcoholis now over the top eg a bottel of jimy is 75 ausie dollors and aussie wine is over the top that is buying at the local supermarket ther is a wine over ther that comes in a cask called hattons rose witch is quite nice comes in a 2 liter cask cost 170.000 rph apop 22aus dollors you can get it at the bintang supermarket in seminyak or the bali dellie but it is dearer ther are hepes off ther local spirates avaliable.allso check out the supermarket next to bintang you can buy rum we even seen bundy rum on the shelfes there. hope this helpes you ps take your allowence with you and take the punt on a extra bottol kobrob

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