Monday, April 16, 2012

Burns departs Bali

Hi all,

Well not quite! i have one more night and all tomorrow until my flight just after midnight.It%26#39;s my last day in the Corner_Net so thought i%26#39;d send a parting post.

Had a ball at Waterbom on Thursday. Let the %26#39;kid%26#39; in me out and did all the %26#39;water slides%26#39;.

Just as i was heading down Macaroni slide for my ??time, i said to the life guard %26#39;this is better than sex%26#39; well as you can imagine, he just cracked up laughing! The life guards around the park are sooo great, stood talking to one when i was supposed to be floating down the ?rapid/river ride.Then he caught me later with my mat going in the wrong direction as i was talking to a guy from Belgium who is a chef here in Bali and his dad owns a restaurant near Made%26#39;s warung in Seminyak.He offered to take my mat back for me,back to the %26#39;mat%26#39;station,what a darling!

Last night Nyoman (yes the same Nyoman who i helped with his CV, has not heard whether he has the job yet)and i went to Hulu Cafe after we had dinner with my friends. We stayed for the two shows, Nyoman has not been there before,(can%26#39;t understand why!)and he loved it. Then he took me to Expresso Bar and Apache Reggae Bar in Legian St.(who would have thought that little %26#39;old%26#39; me would be dancing the night away)I felt as %26#39;safe%26#39; as i could be and Nyoman was a gentleman. I don%26#39;t know who had more to drink,it was those cocktails! and i offered to %26#39;ride%26#39; the bike back to my hotel but Nyoman said he would be fine.

We made in back in one piece around 3am.

I feel lousy (well my head does)this morning, No! i don%26#39;t have a hangover as i had my soda water at the end of the night, but iv%26#39;e picked up a head cold, probably due to the airconditioner. Had a sore/dry throat a couple of days ago.

I%26#39;ll live,

Anyhow iv%26#39;e had the best time, have not done any day trips etc, been there done that!before, but have just wandered around, talked to may people,caught up with friends and have %26#39;chilled%26#39; out and recharged the batteries, ready to get back in to the %26#39;normal%26#39; life again, work on Tuesday,peak hour traffic,the cooking ugh!cleaning,so on and so on.

To anyone thinking of doing Bali solo, all i%26#39;d say is %26#39;Just do it%26#39; and to those who are thinking of doing Bali for the first time %26#39;where the b....y hell are you%26#39;(thanks Bazz)

Thanks for reading my %26#39;last post%26#39;from Hot!and Sunny Bali.



Burns departs Bali

oops! i seem to do lots of them, it%26#39;s not Bazz, he did the new advertising for Oz,(not just the movie) it was the Tourism lady! can%26#39;t think of her name offhand.

Burns departs Bali

Burns, thankyou so much for keeping us all informed of your escapades over there. It was wonderful to experience it all vicariously through you.

Have you set your return date yet?


Yes, thanks for all the light-hearted posts - you have certainly kept my interest throughout your trip. I will have to go to Batan Waru to see if Nyoman got the job or not - I do hope he did - he sounds like a really nice guy. It%26#39;s always hard to leave Bali, isn%26#39;t it!

what a shame your holiday is over already, that time went so fast. enjoy your last hours in bali. settling into the %26#39;old%26#39; routine at home is always hard.

Lara Bingle! Thats it - took me at least 5 minutes to think of her name ';Where the B....y hell are you';.

So glad you have had a good time - we all kept you busy running errands for us!! I thank you for that.

So is Bali still off the agenda for a bit or do you think you will work out a way to wrangle another break over there.

Son tells me it is only 6 weeks to go - i have to get back on the treadmill - fell off the wagon this week LOL.


Loved reading your posts Burns they will be missed.

When you get back to work you won%26#39;t feel like you have been away at all. The daily grind kicks in and all you can think about is WHEN CAN I GO AGAIN!!!! Well I do anyway. lol.

Take care and have a safe easy flight back home.



Burns sounds like you%26#39;ve had a brilliant time, chilling out, relaxing, drinking copious amounts of heaven knows what %26amp; chatting to all %26amp; sundry.

OMG there will be a mass exodus to the Macoroni slide at waterbom now...they%26#39;ll be fighting to get in at the gates...ha ha! Must put it on my list, sounds like fun!

I went solo at Christmas, had a great time, pleasing myself at to where to go %26amp; what to do each day, always felt safe %26amp; would be off like a shot again tomorrow if some kind soul would pay my fare, provide me with a stash of spending money %26amp; fill in for me at work while I was off on my jaunt.....if only lol!

You%26#39;ll have to post %26amp; let us know how Nyoman got on %26amp; if he gets the job where he%26#39;ll be working so we can call in %26amp; say ';hello';.


I%26#39;m still waiting to find out who Nyoman is!

Me too Noodles... plus I didn%26#39;t even know that Burns was back Bali.... LOL


This is for Noodles and princi:


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